Women Travel Abroad is a premier travel boutique pairing like-minded women travelers while providing hand-picked travel destinations and retreat training opportunities to enjoy.

Project Good Work was hired to transform Women Travel Aboard into a cohesive brand, developing its look, personality, and marketing strategy.


I was brought into this project as a part of Project Good Work, a team of myself and Annmarie Hylton. I was in charge of the design and development of the website and sourcing images if photography was not provided or suitable for the design.

Original Website


We were given a pre-existing website hosted on GoDaddy running WordPress using the Divi theme. For our client’s ease of use, we needed to develop the website using these tools while retaining as simple of a back end experience for updating the website. Additionally, since the website was originally a personal website, we did not have any content to work off of and had to develop everything from the ground up.


This was a large scale project where we needed to decide on how to best develop and portray the website’s information to the target demographic. As part of this, we had to develop Women Travel Abroad as a brand and create an identity before doing anything to the website.

It was highly interesting exploring what makes a brand cohesive and effective. I learned a great deal through this process about both creating a brand as well as the intricate “quirks” of WordPress.

The New Women Travel Abroad Website


In 2022, Women Travel Abroad had outgrown the initial website we had created for them. So we were brought back on to create a new look and feel to match the new growth and development of the brand. Additionally, we needed to create the new website from scratch on a new hosting option due to internal reasons.

This was a large scale update as the design needed a complete refresh. The goal of this refresh was to provide more personality to the website to reflect the trips’ host and to portray a warm and welcoming experience for the user while increasing white space to provide content more room to breathe.

The website had grown to be over 40 pages to accommodate the various trip pages and information centers. This update took over four months to develop, design, and implement.

The 2022 Updated Website


The final update for the website prior to the travel boutiques new acquisition took place in 2024. At this point, the company had expanded to many year-round trips facilitated by multiple hosts as well as introduced a new trip division for Wellness Trips. The website had now over 100+ pages to updated to a new brand level that reflected the company’s growth

This update was focused on simplifying the brand and streamlining the design. The focus for the website was clean, organized layouts that could be effectively scaled and maintained by the company’s internal team.


After out initial development of the website, Women Travel Abroad was able to grow at a very consistent rate and managed to keep it’s growth even during the Covid-19 Pandemic lockdowns.

With the most recent update, the website is more consistent, faster, offers more capabilities to provide customers with more information, and is easier to update on the back end by the client.